Masterful design planning for your construction project

The Design planning with S.K. Carefree Building is a central element in the Building processthat transforms your vision into concrete, impressive plans. Our expertise and commitment to excellence are evident in every project we take on.

1. building planning:
Our experienced architects and designers at S.K. Sorglos Bauen pay attention to every detail. From the number of storeys to the façade design, we ensure that every element of the building is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional.

2. material selection:
Materials define the character of a building. At S.K. Carefree Building, we advise you on the best options that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Our selection ranges from natural stone and wood to modern composite materials.

3. infrastructure planning:
A building is more than just its external appearance. Our engineers at S.K. Carefree Building carefully plan the infrastructure to ensure comfort and safety.

Visual aids:
A picture is worth a thousand words. Our 2D floor plans and 3D visualizations offer you a detailed insight into your future project. We also present material samples so that you can experience the quality at first hand.

S.K. Carefree Building stands for quality and reliability. Our design planning is proof of our commitment to excellence. Let's make your building project a masterpiece together!


Vision in plan Approval plan Construction from start to finish
Preliminary plan Implementation plan Acceptance and handover
Draft plan Tendering and awarding Aftercare and service